Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Played a short while today ツ
Defeated this long health monster ツ

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Childhood Game ツ

Lol. I was recently back to neopets.
so unbelievable
need kill time in school mah :x

Friday, July 17, 2009

Say NO to test, & YES to holiday ツ

UT2(Understanding Tests 2) has ended.
No more test for the time being ツ

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Many Many Wishes ツ

I want to dye hair.

I want to buy bag.

I want to buy jacket.

I want holiday.

How wish all tests faster end.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Headache ) :

My test start tomorrow. *HEADACHE*
Got to study hard :x if possible.
Bye guys ツ

Saturday, July 4, 2009

TRANSFOMERS: Revenge Of The Fallen ツ

This is a super x100times nice movie. Friends who are reading this, if you haven watched it yet, you MUST WATCH ツ

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sticky Bed & A Thousand Tonnes Body ツ

Have you ever heard of the story 'Sticky Bed & A Thousand Tonnes Body?'

That's my STORY ツ

Today, I overslept & was already late for school. Amazingly, I continued to sleep *claps claps*. In the end, I did not went for lesson today : (

My body just seem to weight so heavy. My body seem to fall in love with the sticky bed. Despite having 3 alarms on, I fail to wake up on time. On top of that, I ignored the 'snooze' function and went back to my dream land.

Morning's Story of the day ツ

Thursday, July 2, 2009

H1N1 Joke ツ

Little Joke of H1N1 :

Are you afraid of getting H1N1?

Swine aka Pig got H1N1?

Eat Sleep Play = Pig?


Lets Eat + Sleep + Play more & more ツ

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Miracle ツ

Woah~ FINALLY!! Don't know had been working on my blog for how long. This is the very first blog that I made with only a little tips from my friend. (Last time I just dump whole blog to friend :x)

Of course, not forgetting to thank the friend who taught me blogging stuffs, ANGIE NG EE SHAN. ツ

Good Night ツ